Why general people want to rely on others rather than request themselves change?I am a person who have the difficult point.However,how many people can you rely on absolutly?
In my opinion,which my answer is "NO!"It goes without saying that people cannot beside with you anytimes and give their hand for you forever.Now I known why feel so tired from school began.As soon as begining,I what to find someone for me to rely on in order to overcom my several problem.Then,what I find?Nothing!
Only God can do the best for you.He is belong with you from formerly to future.You can tell him secret and never be afraid of being divulged.He will know how to help you and what is your real demands.
Hope I am God
So that I can always beside you...
Thanks for your hope.Though I still don't know who you are,you are sweet.>_n
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